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How You Benefit


We know the consequence of a bad hire. We know how painful it is to ramp up a campus recruit, when there is a release deadline or product launch. Being from the industry, who could better understand the pain points of a hiring manager than us.


That’s why, our employability training programs are designed to keep the needs of the companies and hiring managers in mind. We know it takes much more than the mere knowledge of any programming language, testing concepts or tools, when it comes to working on a project and hence, we provide 360-degree skill development to produce “Ready to Contribute” resources, who have all the knowledge, skills and experience to deliver.


As an employer, what you can expect from our students:

  • 120 hours of Project hands-on
  • 320 hours of Coding hands-on
  • 60 hours of Problem Solving & Soft Skills training


What we expect from the prospective employers:

  • Flexibility in Percentage and Passout criteria, because a low grade or a gap in education is not always a reflector of incompetence.
  • Empathy and trust on individuals, who are hired from Xelate. We know our students; just trust them and they may outperform their peers.


Real World knowledge - You can't expect to get a job with text book knowledge!
That's why we teach all that you have studied but from corporate perspective and also, all that you have never studied and even heard of.


Fun and addictive Learning - No enjoyment usually means no learning!
What if the learning also becomes so enjoyable like playing games? Won't you like to study more and more? Our training is fun, so you will enjoy whether it is programming or testing.


Hands-on Experience - The main reason why most of the freshers are jobless despite having good percentage!
Can you learn swimming just by reading tips or watching videos? If no, how can you expect learning technologies without hands-on. That's why after the theory, we deploy you on real project.


Mentor-ship - Guidance on critical thinking, problem solving approaches and performance improvement!
We teach you how to find solutions when you are stuck on a project and also the steps to improve your performance.